Banfi - Wer wir sind - Unsere Geschichte
Banfi for a better wine world
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Banfi begins in 1978, as the result of an ambitious and at the same time visionary project: to create a pole of excellence for the production of quality wines in Montalcino and Italy. An environment open to research, study and hospitality which, only a few years later, will be defined as the most important and forward-thinking project ever executed in the wine industry in Italy.

The two Mariani brothers, John and Harry, creators of this new American dream, arrive in Montalcino in the mid-1970s, initially looking for a Brunello to add to their portfolio as respected and already successful importers in the United States. The territory they were exploring was very different at the time than we know it today, certainly poorer, more isolated and unknown to most with approximately thirty producers of Brunello. However, only a few were in a position to export their wines beyond the domestic borders. Among these, the Poggio alle Mura estate, from which the Mariani brothers import the Brunello to the United States, sensing immediately the unexpressed potential and thus encouraging them in their long-time dream, to cross “to the other side of the barricade”, by becoming also, and foremostly, quality producers. After the initial acquisitions in 1978 which include also land from Poggio alle Mura, the Mariani brothers complete the purchases in 1983, uniting the entire Poggio alle Mura estate, including the historical medieval castle which becomes the symbol of Banfi. The role of Banfi in the history of one of the most iconic products of the Made in Italy, Brunello, is indisputable. The acquisition and the expansion of the estate place Montalcino at the pinnacle of the wine maps of Italy and the world. Furthermore, the importance that the arrival of Banfi has played in the social and economic fabric of the Montalcino territory is fundamental, where it become the reason of inspiration for many small estates, as well as an incentive for the more historical producers who broadened their horizons, with great improvements in the vineyard and winery management techniques.

Banfi takes its name from a great aunt of the brothers, Teodolinda, who, after spending her childhood alongside Achille Ratti, follows him to the Vatican upon his election as Pope Pius XI, becoming the first lay woman to enter the doors of the papal seat. A great and expert connoisseur of wines, she raises Giovanni F. Mariani, Sr., father of John and Harry, giving him insight into the world of high-quality food and wine. Today, Cristina Mariani-May represents the third generation of the family.

Banfi has always strongly believed in the great potential of viticulture and enology of the Montalcino territory and its symbolic variety, and it has promoted innovative studies of the soils and of Sangiovese. Equally pioneering are the innovations in the winery, with the development of techniques and technology, from the selection of the grapes to their vinification which today are a heritage of international modern enology. Study, research and experimentation, to learn about and reinterpret a worldwide unique territory, as well as to distinguish and enhance its own modus operandi. For Banfi research represents a transversal and continuously evolving concept, from the vineyards to the winery.


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